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Volquartsen Auto Bolt Release for Ruger 22/45 Quantity in Basket: none Code: VC3SPL Price: $28.00 Shipping Weight: 0.00 pounds Select Color: Black - Out of Stock Stainless Quantity: Volquartsen has made releasing the bolt on the Ruger 22/45 easier. No more having to manually operate the bolt hold open lever to release the bolt. Simply pull back on the bolt handle and let it go. Volquartsen's Auto Bolt Release for the Ruger 22/45 features: Increased contact area for the bolt so it will not wear like the factory part The plunger and detent hole on the side has been eliminated and replaced by a top hole to create a slingshot effect Is CNC Machined Available in stainless steel or black Average Customer Rating Number of Raters: 1
Simply pull back on the bolt handle and let it go.
Volquartsen's Auto Bolt Release for the Ruger 22/45 features: